Saturday, July 26, 2008


Well, I wouldn't really call it insomnia, because I sleep. Just in extremely odd intervals. I really do try to go to bed at a decent hour, but my mind keeps racing. And the thing is, it races over nothing of importance. Ex:
"God, it's hot in here. Speaking of hot, I miss watching Anderson Cooper 360. Too bad he's gay. I really need to buy his book. I need to do summer reading. Life of Pi looks so boring though. You know what else is boring? The Hills. How can people watch that show? I mean, I can understand what the appeal of The O.C was. You had shootings, lesbianism, comic books, and Adam Brody. You know when that show jumped the shark? It wasn't when Marissa died. Hell, not even close. It was when Seth Cohen left a meeting with George Lucas to attend his Junior prom with Summer Roberts. God, I remember when I spelled "Junior" wrong on my scrapbook page for Mrs. Rash and Max pointed it out to me and I felt like a dumb ass. Too bad I didn't spell it "Jewnior". That would have been funny."
You get the picture. I think I'm just going to stay up all day (with the aide of Red Bull and coffee) and finally crash at 11.

Off Topic: I think I subconsciously wish I were a spicy Latina because when I was signing into Blogger, I accidently typed my last name as "Jacksonito".


Sebastian said...

There is nothing inherently cool about The Hills, but tricky editing and the mind of today's youth make it a sensation for pre-teen sluts. For instance, when Laguna Beach aired, there was nothing dramatic about the show, but add in a Maroon Five song and show clips of kids saying things like "this year is so dramatic" and suddenly you've got a show.

Joseph said...

Aren't we all suffering from insomnia? The only cure is school starting. And god don't I hate that thought...