Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Fuck you, David Blaine

"Rubenstein Associates represents David Blaine and I personally have handled publicity for every one of his challenges. There has been no claim that David was going to hang upside down for 60 hours without a break. In all of his discussions with the media, he said he would have to occasionally get his head above his heart and lower his legs to correct circulation. About once every hour, David comes upright for about five minutes for a medical and equipment check. He has something to drink and he relieves himself, something even David can't do upside down.

His doctors told him quite simply that if he didn't correct blood flow, he could die."

If you aren't going to hang upside down for 60 hours, at least have the common decency to piss on yourself. Asshole.

Oh, and Clay Aiken is officially gay. In a related story, bears shit in the woods.


Tactless Quippings said...

WHOA, WHOA, WHOA, WHOA. FIRST of all, I thought bears used outhouses. What else are they there for?

Secondly, it's no coincidence that the words 'Clay' and 'gay' rhyme.

Thirdly, Rubenstein is the Jewiest name I've ever heard.

Fourthly, maybe I've been listening to too much Loveline but I read "relieves himself" as "beats off." Even in that case I agree, he could manage upside down. If a bat can do it so can you David. I guess you can't spell David without Diva.

Kaitlin said...

Even Lindsay Lohan is gay.
I'm shocked.