Tuesday, July 15, 2008



What. The. Hell. Someone combined the two ugliest, tackiest shoes known to mankind (Uggs and Crocs for those who weren't sure), and made this atrocity that is NSFL. These shoes were made in Satan's workshop, along with Chevy Chase and Nickleback.

My reaction to these shoes
I have a confession to make, internet: I wasn't always the international fashion icon you know and love. When I was 14-15, I owned a pair of Uggs. Except they weren't Uggs. They were those Ugg knock-offs from Steve and Barry's that cost $15. What can I say. My family was po' and (thankfully) wouldn't shell out $180+ for shoes that make you look like a retarded yeti. I even tucked them into my jeans. Oh dear, forgive me Father, for I have sinned!

At least I never wore them with mini skirts/dresses like the misguided girl in the picture above (and the misguided girls at school).


Joseph said...

I remember seeing a girl wear Uggs all week. I commented on the fact that she hadn't changed her shoes, she politely said that she owned eight pairs of the EXACT SAME SHOE. It speaks bounds for our upper middle class.

Kaitlin said...

Eight pairs of the exact shoe. wow. We have made it, guys. We are the greatest country of all time. I have a feeling that a lot of the underlings will be wearing those to school.