Saturday, July 19, 2008

The Dark Knight...Again

I know everyone must be getting tired of hearing about The Dark Knight, but honestly, this movie deserves all the hype. I'm not really going to give a proper review other than saying that it was a masterpiece. The casting was impeccable, the directing was fantastic, the cinematography was mind blowing. When I first found out Ledger was cast, I was extremely skeptical. I mean, the dude from "10 Things I Hate About You"? C'mon. But I take it all back. Heath Ledger WAS the Joker. He was dark, he was frightening, he was hilarious. The subtitles he brought to the character proved that he was in fact a brilliant actor. The lip smacking, the sarcastic clap, the hand sanitizer. The "pencil trick" was iconic. He made Jack Nicholson look like Ashton Kutcher. This movie was so amazing that I don't even really want a third one to come out, because there is no way that it could top this.
P.S. Perez Hilton needs STFU. No character development? What movie was he watching? I consider Harvey Dent, Gotham's White Knight, turning into Two Face the very definition of character development. Click here to watch his review.


Joseph said...

I couldn't watch all of that review. his voice is so annoying. i'll have to see it for myself.

Tactless Quippings said...

Damn, I just saw this and was going to mention the disappearing pencil, you beat me to it. P.S. Batman sounds like he's a smoker.

Anonymous said...

no no, the smokey voice adds to the mystique (sp?)! but perez hilton is quite overrated if you ask me. I mean who is he? just a random gay man who used to do porn and now he still does porn and also makes fun of celebrities?? whatever.